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She Is Who She Is

And as it folds into the next, I’ve felt inspired again to write this long note to her, to let her know how much she is appreciated, loved, accepted and cherished. You know what fires her up and keeps her going? All the feedback she get from people about her and her work and its impact on their life. She appreciate people who inspire her and her fans.

She was an amazing being with amazing God given capacity. I believe in who she is and who she is working to be. I believe in her ability to stand and courageously be the person she were meant to be. She hold her own special kind of intelligence. She have unique wisdom that goes far into the future. She don’t have to compare herself to anyone, because no one is in the same league as her. Even when she's in the midst of great darkness, she have the power to lead and shepherd the people around her . The beautiful truth is that she don’t have to do anything differently. Please don’t try to change who you are. Just being alive, just being you, getting up in the morning, doing what you love, all you have to do is breathe. Because your breath is life. Your life is important. You can not be replaced. Thank you for being you. Thank you for your abundance and your grace, Neelofa. #ilofayou

xoxo - Dira Adnan

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