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Feel Like A Big Ol' Pile of Poo

Has anyone ever made you feel like crap ? To be honest, I am tired of the negative crap of what people are saying about me behind my back, I am not interested in it. I want to be a happy person. Not be around people who are dark, and have a black heart, who have a whole inside it's heart, and someone broke it or are suffering from " infidelity" issues. These issues aren't my problem. I'm not interested in drama, I'm actually trying to escape it, not get into it.

The problem is I'm not stalking my clairaudience ability. I'm hearing it, and it's repeating in my head all the negative crap I have no control over ear chakras. Also, being in the middle of something makes it really hard to see the big picture and how things really are, many people have tunnel vision and can only see what is right around them.

The sad part about life is that not everyone is going to be on your side. Not everyone is going to be picking you back up and trying to motivate you to do better. Not everyone is going to want to see you succeed. Unfortunately, there are going to be people in your life that not only want to see you fail, but they will thrive on it. Sometimes in life, you have to distance yourself to save yourself.

Anyway, I'm getting less eloquent as I ramble on, relieved some stress from me . So important to immediately settle myself down to prevent myself emotions from overwhelming me. The best way to do this is to remove myself from the situation and take some time to calm my emotions and settle my mind. This period of separation will prevent me from jumping to rash conclusions about the situation. Maybe things aren’t as they seem to be. At the very least, this separation will help me to avoid further conflict that could potentially aggravate my emotions and the situation even more.

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